Saturday 9 May 2015

Making a personal blog: Money matters

Making a personal blog is as easy as drinking a glass of water now-a-days. You buy a domain and hosting package, do some click using 'web-site builder' app from your service provider and you are done. Not 'dead-html-only' web site, you will get moving banner head flashy looking mobile ready professional one. That easy.

Even, if you don't fancy hosting it on your very own domain, job is even easier. Pick a popular blogging platform like WordPress or Blogger and again do some click, you are done. For non-trading personal blogging, I think most of us would be happy with it. Blog without spending a penny.

I had other plan. I wanted to own the domain to host my blog, but didn't want to spend for hosting. As money matter, I did some cost-calculation against my requirement. To host my personal blog, I need

  • to buy my domain, avg. £10.00 a year
  • to protect personal details, who-is privacy costs another £10.00 a year
  • to host the site, £60.00 a year
So, an average cost will  be £6.50 per month. It is not that a big amount though. But why I should spend where I have option for less. What I did,

  • I spent £5.95 for 2 years to buy my domain. It was an offer, £3.00 a year
  • Non-trading site, so domain privacy is free. To get that I chose the UK based domain registrar.
  • My blog is hosted on Blogger. So, another freebie.

I am happy, I have to spend only 25p a month, 26 times less than average spending. To complement the low cost, I had to deal with few technical stuff. Next, I will write about that "How did I set up my domain on Blogger".

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