Yes, everything and of course it is in the frame of my tiny life. My 'everything' may be 'many-things' to others or at least 'something'. That's the driving idea to put my thoughts online, otherwise I speak with myself.
So, it might be asked that what sort of 'thoughts' I am going to write?
Okay, let me answer; that will be information and communication technology commentary. Many things around my profession, like - sys admin, development tools and techniques, databases, data-analysis, system modelling, telecommunications, 'how-to-fix' notes and again something around my daily life- I can't ignore that.
All right, what's the biggie? Thousands of such thing are found online. So true. But, it is important to me. By means of that I will communicate with the interested party, make this place the centre of my other social network. In course of time, this will be my technology show-case.
Starting the stone rolling was not easy for me. At the end, good thing is, blogging is happening. I am happy to find out the cheapest option of domain management, free hosting on blogger and finalize a custom template.
So, stay tuned until next post on how I did all those things- "Making a personal blog: Money matters".